I've been wanting to move my blog away from Blogspot for a while but could never be bothered to actually do it. This week was the tipping point though, and I've now fully migrated over to https://patsypoomakes.wordpress.com/ . The blogspot address will remain here but all new posts will only appear at https://patsypoomakes.wordpress.com/ . There are lots of reasons for the move but my biggest one is how hard Blogger has made it for people to subscribe to receive new posts via email. It's such a basic requirement but apparently, they think it's too much to offer. I'm basing this purely on how I myself prefer to consume this stuff. I can't be arsed with feed readers anymore and emails are easy and convenient. When I receive one, if I fancy reading it, I will click through to it and, if not, I'll just delete it. Another reason is the spat between Google (owners of Blogger) and Instagram/Facebook/Meta. I don't even know if this is still the case anymore ...
I wasn't going to write a post today. However, I have read so much crap about and seen so many people making fun of International Women's Day that I just thought I'd vent a little. I'm not political, although I have my opinions on stuff and generally these 'days' are just a load of old tosh to me - but I do want a fuss to be made for me on mother's day because THAT is bloody hard work! Although being married can sometimes be even harder work.
That got me thinking and this is what I'd answer: Today is International Women's Day so that those like you and me can think of all the other women who aren't as fortunate as us. Those women who are exploited, abused, discriminated against, marginalised, ignored, opressed, mutilated, are not allowed to vote, have no right to education, have no say on who their husband is going to be, are forced into sexual slavery, so on and so forth... This day isn't for you, for me or for most or all of our friends. This day is for all the women all over the world who are forgotten, abandoned and neglected by all of us throughout the rest of the year.
Eu não ia escrever um post hoje. Entretanto, li tanta besteira e vi tanta gente tirando sarro do Dia Internacional da Mulher que resolvi dar uma desabafada. Não sou polÃtica mas tenho minhas opiniões e normalmente eu acho esses 'dias' uma bobagem - mas eu quero presente no dia das mães porque ser mãe é trabalhoso demais! Se bem que ser casada à s vezes é ainda mais difÃcil.
Anyway, there seems to be much questioning of what today is about and I have no doubt it does get lost on most people. I don't believe today is about women going: "Oh, look at me, I'm a woman! Aren't I just fabulous?" That isn't the point. I personally took the day as an excuse and donated some money to womankind. I myself take it as a day to appreciate how easy I've got it compared to a hell of a lot of other women. I've seen many statuses on Facebook confused about why it is women's day today? And some of them were from women, by the way.
O dia todo me pareceu ter muita gente questionando o dia de hoje e, sem dúvida, a razão parece ser desperdiçada em muita gente. Não acho que o motivo do dia seja: "Ui, eu sou mulher! Olha como eu sou o máximo!" Não é nada disso. Pessoalmente, usei o dia como desculpa e fiz uma doação para a womankind. Pra mim o dia serve para ser grata pela vida que eu levo, em comparação com milhões de outras mulheres. Vi muita gente no Facebook se perguntando por que dia da mulher? Muitas mulheres, aliás.
That got me thinking and this is what I'd answer: Today is International Women's Day so that those like you and me can think of all the other women who aren't as fortunate as us. Those women who are exploited, abused, discriminated against, marginalised, ignored, opressed, mutilated, are not allowed to vote, have no right to education, have no say on who their husband is going to be, are forced into sexual slavery, so on and so forth... This day isn't for you, for me or for most or all of our friends. This day is for all the women all over the world who are forgotten, abandoned and neglected by all of us throughout the rest of the year.
Isso me fez refletir e eu responderia assim: Hoje é dia Internacional da Mulher para que eu e você nos lembremos de todas as mulheres que não são tão afortunadas quanto nós. Daquelas que são exploradas, são abusadas, sofrem discriminação, são marginalizadas, são ignoradas, são oprimidas, são mutiladas, não têm direito a voto, não têm direito a educação, não têm direito a escolherem seus maridos, são forçadas a serem escravas sexuais e por aà vai... Esse dia não é pra mim, pra você ou para a maioria ou para todas as nossas amigas. Esse dia é para as mulheres espalhadas pelo mundo todo que vivem esquecidas, abandonadas e negligenciadas por todos nós durante o resto do ano.
So I will be taking a moment today to think about how wonderful my life is and how blessed I am, even if it isn't all perfect and rosy all the time. I will be going to the pub soon and I am going to raise a glass to all the women who would give anything to live a life like mine!
Por isso tirarei um momento do dia de hoje para lembrar como sou abençada e como minha vida é maravilhosa, mesmo que ela não seja perfeita o tempo todo. Vou ao bar hoje à noite e vou fazer um brinde a todas as mulheres que dariam qualquer coisa para viver uma vida como a minha!
Happy International Women's Day! And yes, we are fabulous regardless of the day...
Feliz Dia Internacional da Mulher! E sim, nós somos o máximo independente do dia...